London’s the place for interior design this spring

It's an exciting time this spring for London's interior designers and home makers. There are many great shows that will inspire you to create those magical interior's, among them is the London design week 2015, which will be held at the Design Centre at Chelsea Harbour between the 8th and 13th of March. also the London BADA antique and fine art fair which will be held at the Duke of York Square, London between 18th and 24th of March. London is also hosting LARTA the London antique rug and Textile fair, which will be held at The Showroom, Penfold Street, between 16th and 19th April. London's Oriental rug warehouses also have a huge selection of antique rugs and carpets from Persia, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan as well as many other rug weaving countries. And the great news is that London's Oriental rug warehouses are open all year round. Make an appointment this spring to visit London's Oriental rug warehouses. Tel:0207 722 7608.
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