Tribal Art Fair London And The New US Embargo On Persian Rugs & Carpets

London is to host the only tribal art fair of its kind in the UK, Tribal Art London returns to the Mall Galleries on the 4th-8th September 2018. Around twenty international dealers will exhibit. There will also be a series of lectures from top specialists and organisations, such as the Royal Academy of Arts. US sanctions against Iran took effect on Tuesday 7th August 2018. In defiance of the US, the European Union urged its companies to continue and even bolster trade with Tehran, despite American threats of sanctions against them for doing business. EU diplomatic chief Federica Mogherini said the bloc, as well as Britain, France and Germany, deeply regretted Washington's move. Iran's hand-woven rug and carpet industry controls 30 percent of the global market, with the US being the largest consumer. Here in London, David J.Wilkins Oriental rugs have seen it all before. This is the third US embargo we have traded through, and as before it will have little or no impact on the London market.
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