Where best to buy Persian rugs

If you're in the market for a new Persian carpet where do you go? The obvious place would be the high street stores, but the stock and expertise is usually low not to mention the extortionate prices. And beware of fly-by-night operations, whenever you see closing down sales or temporary premises being used to hold Oriental rug sales usually in village or town halls across the country, stay well clear. Undoubtedly the way to pay the lower prices is to go to one of the Oriental rug brokers who have access to London's Oriental rug wholesale warehouses. Here the broker pays the wholesale price and because he has low over-heads, he sells the Persian rugs on to you at a price that is much lower than you would have to pay in a retail store. David J Wilkins Oriental rug broker has been guiding people around London's Oriental rug warehouses for over 35 years. So if you're looking for expert knowledge with access to huge stocks of Persian rugs at lower prices than retail stores, why not give him a call. Tel: 0207 722 7608 Mobile: 07850 923471 Email: rugexpert@btinternet.com
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