How to keep your rug safe during party season

It’s nearly Christmas folks (like we need to remind you!) and this means the party season is nearly here. This can be a worry for owners of Oriental rugs, the thought of hoards of people trampling party food into their Persian is enough to induce a cold sweat. Fear not though, there are simple safety measures to take which ensure your rug survives all the fun and festivities. Take the rug up – One of the easiest ways to keep your rug safe over the holiday season is simply to take it out of the equation altogether. Store it away until the last of the parties in the New Year then put it back down again. We’ve covered the subject of storing rugs in one of our previous blogs at David Wilkins so follow the care guide and at least this way you know your rug won’t come to any harm. Protect it with another covering – Place a plastic sheet or some other covering over the rug on a temporary basis. If you decide to leave the rug down, a protective cover will prevent food and drink from spilling into the fibre and it should prevent you from having a seizure at the same time. Ask people to remove their shoes – Place a shoe rack near the front door and ask visitors to remove their footwear when they visit your home over Christmas. It’ll stop the outside world from being trodden all over your lovely Persian and prevent you from having to clean the carpet afterwards. Keep certain rooms off limits – If you have a Persian rug in the lounge area of your property, have a party in the kitchen, extend it out into the conservatory, use a small gazebo in the back garden if needs be. As long as you drive foot traffic away from the sensitive areas of your house you can relax and get into the party spirit without wondering what’s happening to your rug.
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