Author Archives: David

Mythical Origin of Carpets

Often associated with wealth and majesty, oriental carpets and rugs are heavily steeped in the tales and legends of middle-Eastern beliefs. Read the three examples below about the value and magical associations of carpets. Caesar and Cleopatra In Ancient Egyptian … Continue reading

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Stupid ways to ruin a perfectly good rug

We’ve covered the subject of rug care in a number of our blogs at David J Wilkins, oriental rugs are precious items, they deserve loving homes and to be treated with a certain level of respect. So our next blog … Continue reading

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5 ways to tell if a rug was handmade or made using a machine

If you’re shopping for a rug for your home it’s important that you know how to identify the differences between handmade and machine-made rugs so that you always know what it is that you’re buying. Handmade woven rugs are usually … Continue reading

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How to clean an oriental rug

If you’ve invested in a beautiful oriental rug it’s only natural that you’ll want to give it pride of place in your home so that you can enjoy it properly. This inevitably means that from time to time your rug … Continue reading

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Carpet protection for Persian rugs

It’s a proud moment when you purchase your first Oriental carpet; it’s one of those moments that you’ll remember for life, the rug looks resplendent and you can’t wait to see it on display in your home. Having invested wisely … Continue reading

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How old is your Persian carpet?

Oriental carpet production dates back countless centuries, we can’t put an exact date on the precise origins of Persian carpets but one thing we do know is carpets of this quality were being produced in the 5th century BC. How … Continue reading

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Simple room accessory ideas for an Oriental themed room

Oriental rugs suit a diverse range of home interiors and Asian inspired themes work particularly well with a rug of this quality. Try a taste of the Orient in your home and add a few traditional features that’ll compliment the … Continue reading

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How to keep your rug safe during party season

It’s nearly Christmas folks (like we need to remind you!) and this means the party season is nearly here. This can be a worry for owners of Oriental rugs, the thought of hoards of people trampling party food into their … Continue reading

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How to decorate a modern room to match your Persian rug

The one thing you can say about a Persian rug, apart from it being beautiful, is this is a feature that needs the right surroundings to be truly appreciated. The rest of the room often pales into insignificance once you … Continue reading

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How to store an oriental rug

Buy a Persian rug and this is one feature that you want to be on show at all times. Say you had to put the rug into storage for a short while though, suppose you were moving home or were … Continue reading

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