Category Archives: Carpet care tips

Stupid ways to ruin a perfectly good rug

We’ve covered the subject of rug care in a number of our blogs at David J Wilkins, oriental rugs are precious items, they deserve loving homes and to be treated with a certain level of respect. So our next blog … Continue reading

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How to clean an oriental rug

If you’ve invested in a beautiful oriental rug it’s only natural that you’ll want to give it pride of place in your home so that you can enjoy it properly. This inevitably means that from time to time your rug … Continue reading

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Carpet protection for Persian rugs

It’s a proud moment when you purchase your first Oriental carpet; it’s one of those moments that you’ll remember for life, the rug looks resplendent and you can’t wait to see it on display in your home. Having invested wisely … Continue reading

Posted in Carpet care tips, Persian rugs | Leave a comment