Simple room accessory ideas for an Oriental themed room

Oriental rugs suit a diverse range of home interiors and Asian inspired themes work particularly well with a rug of this quality. Try a taste of the Orient in your home and add a few traditional features that’ll compliment the look of the rug, we suggest using some of the following at David J Wilkins.
  • Bamboo blinds: Simple and rather beautiful, bamboo blinds might be understated but you really don’t need to go overboard with window features when you have a large oriental rug as the centrepiece to the room. Bamboo blinds are good because you can blend them with any wall colour you want and they won’t look out of place.
  • Buddha statue: Bring joy, kindness and prosperity into your home with your very own Buddha statue. Be careful which Buddha you buy though. The pose and stature of the statue have different meanings and there are unique hand gestures that have a range of connotations so find out all you can about your Buddha before you bring him home.
  • Oriental room divider: Great for defining different areas of the room, choose a Shoji screen made from timber and reinforced paper segments, it’s subtle and has a rather dainty feel.
  • Paper lanterns: Chinese lanterns are a familiar sight during festivals, they’re normally bright red, bold and very cheery. How about using plain white paper lanterns as part of an Asian-themed room though? They’re soft, gentle and peaceful, plus they’d be the perfect contrast for a bold Chinese rug.
  • Bonsai plant: Nurture a baby bonsai or grow your own mini forest in a corner of the room. Plants bring life, colour and enjoyment to a room, plus it’s such a rewarding experience to trim, prune and care for a miniature tree, so add that to your list of Oriental themed room accessories.
All of the above suggestions work well with Oriental rugs or you could try a few ideas of your own. Have fun!
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